In the exploration and production (E&P) industry, the creation of static and dynamic reservoir models is a complex and essential task to maximize production and optimize resources. The accuracy of these models depends largely on the diversity and experience of the team of experts involved in their development.
En ROYI contamos con más de 23 años de experiencia y más de 300 modelos estáticos y dinámicos, más de 50 estudios integrados completados con éxito. Contamos de manera inmediata con un gran numero de expertos en geología, geofísica, ingeniería de yacimientos, científicos de datos, perforación y otras disciplinas, vitales para desarrollar modelos estáticos y dinámicos de yacimientos, así como otras tareas de G&G de manera efectiva y confiable.
Our team has accumulated a deep, practical knowledge that effectively addresses complex challenges, especially in mature and marginal fields. Detailed examples of these experiences are available upon client request, highlighting our ability to adapt and apply our skills in diverse contexts and reservoir conditions.
The iLoop+ integrated reservoir characterization platform features a wealth of innovative technologies that enable reservoir characterization models to be obtained that are closer to the reality of the reservoirs.